
Canada Research Chair in Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation

Our team contributes to an article in the journal Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine

Our team contributed recently to the publication of an article in the journal Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine entitled The Quebec emergency department guide: A cross-sectional study to evaluate its use, perceived usefulness, and implementation in rural emergency departments.: The Quebec Emergency Department Management Guide (QEDMG) is a unique document with 78 recommendations designed to improve the organization of emergency departments (EDs) in the province of Quebec. However, no study has examined how this guide is perceived or used by rural health care management. This study intended to establish general familiarity and use of the QEDMG, as well as perceived usefulness and implementation of its recommendations. Authors: Fleet R, Hegg-Delove S, Maltais-Giguère J, Légaré F, Ouimet M, Poitras J, Tanguay A, Archambault P, Lévesque JF, Simard-Racine G, Dupuis G.

By France Légaré, 18/12/2017