
Program Name: Decision box to facilitate Evidence based practice and Shared Decision Making

Authors or developers

Anik Giguère
Vice décanat à la pédagogie et à la formation professionnelle continue
Département de médecine familiale et de médecine d’urgence
Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry, bureau 2881-C
1050 avenue de la Médecine, Université Laval
G1V 0A6, Québec, QC, Canada
Courriel :

Country / Language Canada/ French and English
Creation or publication date 2012
Clinic context Primary care
Target users Healthcare Professionals working in six primary care clinics in Canada
Pre or post licensure Post Licensure
General objectives General objective: To apply risk communication strategies and Shared decision making to involve patients in decisions regarding each of the eight clinical topics

Specific objectives:
1) To observe data on the risks and benefits of each intervention
2) To recognize difficulty sources during the decision process of each intervention
3) To describe the options associated to each intervention as well as possible benefits and risks associated to each option
4) To interpret bias risks, the inaccuracy and inconsistency of the best available studies
5) To use efficient communication strategies to explain to patients benefits and risks of the options associated to each of the interventions
6) Identify patient’s values and preferences while valuing his/her option to encourage his/her participation in decision related to each of the interventions
Format Scientific summaries on clinical aspects and developed to prepare the health professional to help patient to take an available best evidence based decision and taking into account his/her values and preferences. The participant receive by email eight documents named “decision Box”, a tutorial on how to use those documents and additional information on the quality evaluation process of the scientific evidences presented in the boxes. The participant is invited then to reflect on his/her learning and on his/her practice effects, he/her has to complete a questionnaire in link to each of the decision boxes.