Our team contributed recently to the publication of an article in the journal BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, entitled Intermittent auscultation versus continuous fetal monitoring: exploring factors that influence birthing unit nurses' fetal surveillance practice using theoretical domains framework. Even if intermittent auscultation is the recommended method of fetal surveillance for healthy women in labour, the majority of women receive electronic monitoring. This study intended to identify potential influences on birthing unit nurses' use of intermittent auscultation. Barriers and facilitating factors identified will allow the development of interventions to promote the use of intermittent auscultation. Authors: Patey AM, Curran JA, Sprague AE, Francis JJ, Driedger SM, Légaré F, Lemyre L, Pomey MA, Grimshaw JM, Canada Prime Plus team.
By France Légaré, 02/10/2017