
You will find in the present section the latest news regarding the Canadian Research Chair in Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation


Prostate cancer: to be tested or not?

In the October 28 issue of La Presse, Isabelle Hachey writes about prostate cancer screening and the potential benefits and risks of getting tested or not. The two charts that accompany this column illustrate this ambivalence.
The article is available here.

By Carole Thiébaut, 28/10/2024

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Dr France Légaré cites collaboration as being key to her success in an interview published in Canadian Family Physician

Interview published in July 2024 in Canadian Family Physician titled Early interest in shared decision making contributed to fruitful research career: Dr France Légaré cites collaboration as being key to her success.

By Carole Thiébaut, 13/08/2024

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France Légaré Among the top 50 most cited primary care researchers in Canada

The Canadian Family Physician journal has just published a study on the 50 most cited researchers in 1st-line care in Canada.
Click here to read the article

By Carole Thiébaut, 24/05/2024

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Congratulations to Dalil Asmaou Bouba, who has just been awarded a Master degree in Epidemiology!

Bravo Dalil for this great achievement!

By Carole Thiébaut, 10/05/2024

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11 abstracts accepted for the ISDM 2024 Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland!

The 11 accepted abstracts will be presented by our team members at ISDM 2024. The 12th International Conference on Shared Decisions will be held in Lausanne from July 7 to 10, 2024.
ISDM 2024 will be an exceptional opportunity to highlight the contributions of people whose voices are not usually heard at international conferences.
For further information on the conference

By Carole Thiébaut, 10/05/2024

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The oral communication by our colleague Odilon Assan on the process of co-development of informed decision support tools for population screening in Quebec is available online on the ACFAS website!

At the 91st ACFAS conference, to be held in Ottawa from May 13 to 17, 2024, our colleague Odilon Assan will give a free talk on the process of co-developing informed decision-making tools for population screening in Quebec. 

By Carole Thiébaut, 10/05/2024

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Our colleague Diogo Mochcovitch will take part in a panel of senior global health leaders on ethics and scaling u

The online panel will take place on March 21 from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EDT and is titled Navigating ethical considerations when supporting the scaling up of healthcare interventions.

By Carole Thiébaut, 19/03/2024

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Dr. France Légaré, holder of the Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Mobilization, regular researcher at VITAM - Centre de recherche en santé durable, full professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine at Université Laval and clinical physician at the Groupe de médecine de famille universitaire (GMF-U) Saint-François D'Assise, invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher.
Offer details

By Carole Thiébaut, 19/03/2024

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Our colleague Florence Lizotte among 7 panelists at ULaval FESP student forum on interdisciplinarity as a catalyst for responsible innovation

On January 12, Florence Lizotte presented at the FESP ULaval Student Forum - Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Université Laval. Florence's presentation was on Interdisciplinarity in innovation in health and social services.
Bravo Florence and thanks to Angèle Musabyimana for her contribution to the development of the presentation!
Florence is a master's student in public health, Angèle is a doctoral student in community health, both under the supervision of France Légaré.

Link to presentation

By Carole Thiébaut, 22/01/2024

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Our team publishes an article on Spontaneous Scaling of a Primary Care Innovation

The article entitled "Spontaneous Scaling of a Primary Care Innovation in Real-life Conditions: A Case Study Protocol " was published in JMIR Research Protocols. The study was led by France Légaré and aimed to observe, document, and analyze how, in real-life conditions, 1 primary care innovation spontaneously scales up across Quebec.

By Carole Thiébaut, 12/01/2024

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Our colleague Lucas Gomes Souza's article on Advance Care Planning and Healthcare Professionals’ Well-being is already available online

The article published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management under the supervision of France Légaré is entitled The Impact of Advance Care Planning on Healthcare Professionals’ Well-being: A Systematic Review. The objective of this study was to a systematically review the literature evaluating the impact of ACP interventions on healthcare professionals’ well-being.

By Carole Thiébaut, 01/12/2023

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Florian Naye publishes an article on decisional needs assessment for patient-centred pain care in Canada

By Carole Thiébaut, 25/08/2023

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France Légaré gives an interview for la revue médecins de famille de demain

We invite you to read the interview in "Première la revue des médecins de famille de demain" published on July 31, 2023, about conciliation between research and family medicine: Research and family medicine: is it possible?

By Carole Thiébaut, 25/08/2023

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Shigeko Seiko Izumi publishes an article on Serious Illness Conversation Training for Interprofessional Primary Care Teams

The article entitled Development and Evaluation of Serious Illness Conversation Training for Interprofessional Primary Care Teams was published in the Journal of Palliative Medicine. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate Serious Illness Conversation training for interprofessional primary care teams (IP-SIC).

By Carole Thiébaut, 18/08/2023

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Dawn Stacey publishes an article on Decisions and Decisional Needs of Canadians During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The article entitled Decisions and Decisional Needs of Canadians From all Provinces and Territories During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Population-Based Cross-sectional Surveys was published in JMIR public health and surveillance. The objective of this study was to seek to identify the health-related decisions and decisional needs of Canadians.

By Carole Thiébaut, 11/08/2023

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Congratulations to Felly Kanyinga Bakwa, Maya Fakhfakh and Lucas Gomez Souza on receiving their Master's degrees!

Our three graduates received their diplomas at the 2023 graduation ceremony held last June at the Quebec City Convention Centre.
Bravo Felly, Maya and Lucas on this wonderful achievement!

By Carole Thiébaut, 09/08/2023

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The Canada Research Chair in Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Mobilisation has just been renewed for another 7-year cycle

Congratulations to France Légaré and her team on the renewal of the Canada Research Chair in Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Mobilisation, which has been renewed for another 7-year cycle, until 2030. 

By Carole Thiébaut, 04/08/2023

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Roberta de Carvalho Corôa in the Science Pop final

Congratulations to Roberta de Carvalho Corôa, postdoctoral fellow under the supervision of France Légaré, who participated in the grand finale of the Science Pop competition held on May 27 and 28 in Montreal. In dissemination category, she illustrated scaling up health innovations by analogy with fruiting: how to get more and better apples?
Bravo Roberta!

By Carole Thiébaut, 31/05/2023

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France Légaré, Keynote speaker at the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) conference in Brussels

The WONCA conference will be held in Brussels, Belgium, from June 7 to 10, 2023, and France Légaré's presentation will focus on the many facets of shared decision-making in primary care.

By Carole Thiébaut, 25/05/2023

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Our colleague Roberta de Carvalho Corôa publishes an Umbrella Review on Scaling in Health and Social Care

The article published in the journal Milbank quarterly under the supervision of France Légaré is entitled Evidence on Scaling in Health and Social Care: An Umbrella Review. The objective of this study was to assess to synthesize the evidence base on scaling and identify current knowledge gaps.

By Carole Thiébaut, 19/05/2023

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France Légaré talks with the "Ordre national du Québec" team

France Légaré, who was named a "chevalière" in June 2022, spoke with the "Ordre national du Québec" team about her research projects as a family medicine researcher specializing in informed patient decision-making. She also revealed what her most recent nomination to the Ordre national du Québec means to her, a distinction that encourages her to continue her mission.
Click here to watch the interview

By Carole Thiébaut, 19/04/2023

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Felly Bakwa has made the final submission of her Master's thesis!

Congratulations to our colleague Felly Bakwa who has made the final submission of her Master's thesis entitled: Évaluation de l’impact d’une formation de développement professionnel continu chez des médecins (Evaluating the impact of a continuing professional development program on physicians).

By Carole Thiébaut, 21/03/2023

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Maya Fakhfakh on the Honour Roll of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for 2023

Congratulations to our colleague Maya Fakhfakh who earned the distinction of being on the Honour Roll of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies of Laval University in recognition of the exceptional quality of her academic record and the excellence of her graduate studies.

By Carole Thiébaut, 02/02/2023

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Our colleague Maya Fakhfakh publishes an article on Canadian older adults' intention to use an electronic decision aid for housing decisions

The article published in JMIR Aging under the supervision of France Légaré is entitled "Canadian older adults' intention to use an electronic decision aid for housing decisions: a cross-sectional online survey." The objective of this study was to assess Canadian older adults' intention to use an electronic decision aid (eDA) for making housing decisions and identified the factors that influenced their intention.  

By Carole Thiébaut, 06/01/2023

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From our team, best wishes for 2023!

By Carole Thiébaut, 29/12/2022

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Maya Fakhfakh honoured for her video of popularization of her Master's project!

Maya Fakhfakh's science popularization video for her Master's project was selected as one of the winners of the "Discover the Next Generation of Public Health" competition at the Journées Annuelles de Santé Publique (JASP)
Maya also received an honourable mention from the jury for her video.
Congratulations Maya!

By Carole Thiébaut, 14/10/2022

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France Légaré receives the Michel Sarrazin Award

The Michel Sarrazin Prize is awarded annually to a seasoned Quebec scientist who, through his or her dynamism and productivity, has made a significant contribution to the advancement of biomedical research.
France Légaré received the Michel Sarrazin Award at the 63rd annual meeting of the Club de Recherches Cliniques du Québec which took place from September 29 to October 1, 2022 at the Manoir du Lac Delage.

Congratulations France!

By Carole Thiébaut, 11/10/2022

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Our colleague Alfred TOI publishes an article on decisional needs assessment among seniors receiving home care services

In Canada, seniors receiving home care services often face difficult decisions that can affect their health and well-being. A pan-Canadian web-based survey of 460 seniors receiving home care services was conducted to identify the most common difficult decisions, and to measure the clinically significant decisional conflict associated with it. Factors associated with decisional conflict were also identified.
The most frequent difficult decisions concerned housing and safety (57.2%), managing health conditions (21.8%), and end-of-life care (8.3%). In addition, 14.6% of seniors mentioned having experienced clinically significant decisional conflict.
Factors associated with higher clinically significant decisional conflict were: 1) preferred option not matching the decision made; 2) passive role in decision-making; 3) lower quality of life; and 4) household size > 4 people.
These results will help developing targeted shared decision-making interventions in order to promote informed decision-making and reduce decisional conflict.

By Sabrina Guay-Bélanger, 16/09/2022

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Our colleague Tania Lognon publishes a systematic review on decision aids for home and community care

The article published in the journal BMJ Open under the supervision of France Légaré is entitled Decision aids for home and community care: a systematic review. The objective of this study was to aimed to identify DAs developed for home and community care, verify their adherence to international DA criteria and explore the involvement of interprofessional teams in their development and use. 

By Carole Thiébaut, 25/08/2022

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Our colleague Tania Lognon publishes an article on Decision Regret among Caregivers of Older Canadians Receiving Home Care

The article published in the journal MDM Policy & Practice under the supervision of France Légaré is entitled Predictors of Decision Regret among Caregivers of Older Canadians Receiving Home Care: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey. The objective of this study was to assess difficult decisions and decision regret among caregivers of older adults receiving home care services and factors associated with decision regret. 

By Carole Thiébaut, 12/08/2022

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Our colleague Samira Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi publishes an article on Application of Artificial Intelligence in Shared Decision Making

The article entitled Application of Artificial Intelligence in Shared Decision Making: Scoping Review was published in JMIR Medical Informatics. The objective of this study was to identify and evaluate published studies that have tested or implemented Artificial Intelligence (AI) to facilitate Shared Decision Making (SDM). 

By Carole Thiébaut, 12/08/2022

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France Légaré "chevalière de l’Ordre national du Québec"

Congratulations to France Légaré who will be honored with the title of "chevalière de l’Ordre national du Québec", the most prestigious recognition awarded by the Quebec government to exceptional people who have marked the evolution and influence of Quebec.

By Carole Thiébaut, 17/06/2022

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Our colleague Lysa Bergeron publishes an article on Specialists' Intention to Adopt New Behaviors After Taking Web-Based Continuing Professional Development Courses

The article entitled Factors Associated With Specialists' Intention to Adopt New Behaviors After Taking Web-Based Continuing Professional Development Courses: Cross-sectional Study was published in JMIR Medical Education. In this study the authors aimed to identify sociocognitive factors associated with physicians' intention to adopt new behaviors as well as indications of Bloom's learning levels following their participation in 5 web-based CPD courses.    

By Carole Thiébaut, 14/06/2022

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Jean-Sébastien publishes an article on collaboration between biomedical research and community-based primary health care actors in chronic disease management

The article entitled Collaboration between biomedical research and community-based primary health care actors in chronic disease management: a scoping review was published in Translational Medicine Communication. The objective of this study was to seek to identify and describe collaboration models that bridge biomedical research and community-based primary health care in chronic disease. 

By Carole Thiébaut, 20/05/2022

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France Légaré inducted as Grande Québécoise 2022 by the Chambre de commerce et de l'industrie de Québec during the Gala des Grands Québécois

France Légaré was inducted as Grande Québécoise 2022 in the health sector by the Chambre de commerce et de l'industrie de Québec at the Gala des Grands Québécois on May 5. The Chambre de commerce et de l'industrie de Québec (CCIQ) held its renowned Gala des Grands Québécois at the Salle des promotions du Séminaire de Québec. Created in 1989 and counting more than 100 inductees, the Académie des Grands Québécois underlines each year the admirable career and the great achievements of great women and men of the Quebec City region who have contributed in an incomparable way to the development of our community and to its influence.
Congratulations France!

The special program Les Grands Québécois 2022 which was broadcast on Radio-Canada is available on TOU.TV.

By Carole Thiébaut, 17/05/2022

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The article of our colleague Gloria Ayivi-Vinz on Use of the CPD-REACTION Questionnaire to Evaluate Continuing Professional Development Activities for Health Professionals is now available

The article entitled Use of the CPD-REACTION Questionnaire to Evaluate Continuing Professional Development Activities for Health Professionals: A Systematic Review, was preprint inJMIR Med Educ. In this study the authors aimed to review the use of the CPD-REACTION questionnaire, which measures the impact of CPD activities on health professionals' intention to change a clinical behavior. 

By Carole Thiébaut, 11/04/2022

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Our colleague Ali Ben Charif publishes an article on tools for assessing the scalability of innovations in health

The article entitled Tools for assessing the scalability of innovations in health: a systematic review was published in Health research policy. In this study the authors aimed to review tools proposed for assessing the scalability of innovations in health.               

By Carole Thiébaut, 11/04/2022

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France Légaré contributes to an article led by Jenny Ploeg on older adults with diabetes and multiple chronic conditions

By Carole Thiébaut, 14/02/2022

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Our research cited in the article "Tackling the crisis of care for older people: lessons from India and Japan" published in the journal Nature.

The article is available by following this link. 

By Carole Thiébaut, 08/02/2022

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Our review on sex and gender considerations in reporting guidelines highlighted in the EQUATOR Network newsletter!

Our review was highlighted in the January 2022 EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUALity and Transparency Of health Research) Network newsletter.
The newsletter is available by following this link.

By Carole Thiébaut, 08/02/2022

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This week Cara Tannebaum and France Légaré answer Mr. Olivier Bernard's questions on sex and gender in the health field

It is during the show "Les aventures du Pharmachien" (Season 6) that will be broadcast the episode BIOLOGICAL SEX, GENDER AND HEALTH on Friday, February 4 at 7:30 p.m. on ICI Explora, Radio-Canada's specialty channel.

By Carole Thiébaut, 01/02/2022

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Online conference : "It’s in the Details: Identifying Communication Strategies that Promote Shared Decision Making in Acute Care"

The online conference will be held on February 2, 2022, 3 pm - 4 pm UTC as part of the ISDM Society Seminar Series.

By Carole Thiébaut, 27/01/2022

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France Légaré named « Grande Québécoise » in the health sector!

Congratulations to France Légaré, who has been awarded the title of "Grande Québécoise" in the health sector by the Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Québec (CCIQ) for her social involvement, her dynamism and the character of her achievements, which have greatly contributed to the development of Quebec society.
The special program Les Grands Québécois 2022 aired on Radio-Canada and is now available on TOU.TV.

By Carole Thiébaut, 25/01/2022

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Our colleague Alex Poulin Herron publishes an article on Web-Based Training for Nurses, Shared Decision Making and Prenatal Screening for Down Syndrome

The article published in the journal JMIR nursing under the supervision of France Légaré is entitled Web-based Training for Nurses on Shared Decision-Making and Prenatal Screening for Down Syndrome: a Controlled Trial. The objective of this study was to assessed the impact of a SDM training program on nurses’ intention to use a decision aid with pregnant women deciding about prenatal screening for Down syndrome.

By Carole Thiébaut, 18/01/2022

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Our colleague Virginie Blanchette publishes an article on Citizen Engagement in a Shared Decision-Making Conference

The article entitled Discussing Around a Virtual fire: Citizen Engagement in a Shared Decision-Making Conference was published in Nursing and health sciences. The goal was to enhance knowledge and engagement to share decision-making in a patient-oriented approach since shared decision-making hampered by reduced face-to-face contact, fear of infection and overworked health professionals due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

By Carole Thiébaut, 21/12/2021

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Our colleague Amédé Gogovor publishes an article on sex and gender in 407 published reporting guidelines

The article entitled Sex and gender considerations in reporting guidelines for health research: a systematic review was published in Biology of sex differences. The objective of this study was to assess the integration of sex, as a biological attribute, and gender, as a socially constructed identity, in published reporting guidelines.

By Carole Thiébaut, 26/11/2021

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France Légaré one of the most highly cited researchers in 2021

Congratulation to France Légaré who is among this elite group recognized for her exceptional research influence, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in the Web of Science™.

By Carole Thiébaut, 17/11/2021

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France Légaré contributes to an article on Decision coaching for people making healthcare decisions

The article entitled "Decision coaching for people making healthcare decisions" was published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. The study was led by Janet Jull and aimed to determine the effects of decision coaching for people facing healthcare decisions for themselves or a family member compared to usual care or evidence‐based intervention only, on outcomes related to preparation for decision making, decisional needs and potential adverse effects.

By Carole Thiébaut, 11/11/2021

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Our colleague Francesca Brundisini publishes an article on Economic evaluations of scaling up strategies of evidence-based health interventions

The article entitled Economic evaluations of scaling up strategies of evidence-based health interventions: a systematic review protocol was published in BMJ Open. The objective of this study is to help identify what are the trade-offs of scaling up evidence-based interventions to allocate resources efficiently.

By Carole Thiébaut, 29/10/2021

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Virginie Blanchette deserved the Pamela E Houghton Grant from Wounds Canada

Congratulations to our colleague Virginie Blanchette who received the Pamela E Houghton Grant, valued at $1,000, from Wounds Canada in recognition of her research and leadership in wound care.

By Carole Thiébaut, 26/10/2021

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Tania Lognon on the Honour Roll of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for 2021

Congratulations to our colleague Tania Lognon who earned the distinction of being on the Honour Roll of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies of Laval University in recognition of the exceptional quality of academic record and the excellence of graduate studies.

By Carole Thiébaut, 15/10/2021

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Our team publishes an article on Evidence on scaling in health and social care

The protocol published in Systematic reviews is entitled Evidence on scaling in health and social care: protocol for a living umbrella review. The objective of this study is to summarize the scaling evidence in the health and social care literature and identify current knowledge gaps.

By Carole Thiébaut, 08/10/2021

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Our colleague Samira Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi publishes an article on Application of Artificial Intelligence in Community-Based Primary Health Care

The article entitled Application of Artificial Intelligence in Community-Based Primary Health Care: Systematic Scoping Review and Critical Appraisal was published in The Journal of Medical Internet Research. The objective of this study was to identify and evaluate published studies that have tested or implemented AI in Community-Based Primary Health Care (CBPHC) settings.

By Carole Thiébaut, 09/09/2021

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An article published by the France Légaré team is among the most cited in the journal PLOS ONE !

The article "Choosing between staying at home or moving: A systematic review of factors influencing housing decisions among frail older adults" published by France Légaré's team is among the top 10% most cited PLOS ONE papers published in 2018. 

By Carole Thiébaut, 02/08/2021

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Marie-Eve Poitras publishes an article on impact of Train-the-Trainer (TTT) programs for educating health and social professionals

The article entitled Interventions to Improve Trainers' Learning and Behaviors for Educating Health care Professionals Using Train-the-Trainer Method: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis was published in the Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of TTT programs on learning and behavior of trainers for educating health and social professionals (trainees).

By Carole Thiébaut, 02/08/2021

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Our colleague Titilayo Tatiana Agbadjé publishes an article on the evaluation of a prenatal screening decision aid

The article published in Patient Education and Counseling under the supervision of France Légaré is entitled Evaluation of a prenatal screening decision aid: A mixed methods pilot study. We developed a decision aid (DA) to help pregnant women and their partners make informed decisions about prenatal screening for trisomy. We aimed to determine its usefulness for preparing for decision-making and its acceptability among end-users.

By Carole Thiébaut, 07/06/2021

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Our colleague Titilayo Tatiana Agbadjé publishes an article on the adoption of a patient decision aid for Down syndrome prenatal screening.

The article published in Implementation science under the supervision of France Légaré is entitled Theory-based approach to developing an implementation plan to support the adoption of a patient decision aid for Down syndrome prenatal screening. The objective of this study was to identify knowledge translation strategies and develop an implementation plan to promote the use of the decision aid in prenatal care services in Quebec. 

By Carole Thiébaut, 02/06/2021

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Online lecture: D.DEC (Designing discharge after emergency care) and designing patient-oriented emergency charts

The lecture (in French) will be held on May 19, 2021 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. as part of the SASSS Signature Activities of the CISSS de Chaudière-Appalaches Research Centre. You can see Dr. Vaillancourt's lecture in English here.
Click here to register for the conference.

By Carole Thiébaut, 12/05/2021

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France Légaré among the 20 Quebec women scientists in Florence Meney's book "Têtes chercheuses"

"Being a woman and a researcher"
An article (in French) about the book by Claudine Magny is available on ULaval nouvelles here.

By Carole Thiébaut, 06/05/2021

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VITAM Days (24 and 25 February 2021) now available online!

On February 24 and 25, VITAM-Centre de recherche en santé durable du Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale held VITAM Days on the theme "Shared decision-making between the citizen and their health and social care team: making decisions for health together.”
Videos of these VITAM Days are now available here.

By Carole Thiébaut, 06/05/2021

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Anik Giguère publishes an article on family medicine supervisors’ preferences for improving their teaching skills in senior care

The article, entitled "Family Medicine Supervisors’ Preferences for Improving Their Teaching Skills in Senior Care," was published in the journal Family Medicine. The objective of this study was to explore family medicine supervisors' preferred learning strategies for improving their clinical and teaching skills with regard to senior care.

By Carole Thiébaut, 27/04/2021

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Article on our decision aid for older adults deciding about staying at home or moving is published by Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ)

In their "Impacts of Research" section, the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) has published an article on our decision aid "To get the care and services I need, should I stay in my home or move?" The article, called "Helping seniors choose the living environment that's right for them" is available here.

By Carole Thiébaut, 27/04/2021

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A presentation on "Spinoza, relational autonomy, and SDM" is available on our website

On April 13, we welcomed Elaina Gauthier-Mamaril, PhD candidate in philosophy at the University of Aberdeen, for a lecture via Zoom on "Spinoza, relational autonomy, and SDM". Her presentation is available here.

By Carole Thiébaut, 15/04/2021

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Survey on the management of shoulder pain by family physicians

As part of her doctoral project on the development of a knowledge transfer intervention to improve the management of shoulder pain by family physicians, Ms. Véronique Lowry, under the supervision of François Desmeules (associate professor at the School of Rehabilitation of the University of Montreal), invites family physicians and family medicine residents to complete a survey on the management of shoulder pain and on their perception of interprofessional collaboration. 

By Titilayo Agbadje, 08/03/2021

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The webinar "Sharing Knowledge in COVID Time" is available on Youtube

The webinar held on February 4th at the 12th International Conference of Deans of French-Speaking Faculties of Medicine (CIDMEF) on the theme "Sharing knowledge in the time of COVID" is now available on Youtube by following this link (French only).

By Titilayo Agbadje, 22/02/2021

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Simon Décary's publishes his Overuse Series #5: "Is Shared Decision Making our Excalibur?"

Under the direction of France Légaré, Simon Décary has published an article entitled Overcoming Overuse Part 5: Is Shared Decision Making Our Excalibur? in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT). In part 5 of the Overcoming Overuse series, authors look at the evidence supporting shared decision making as a strategy to help curb overuse. 

By Titilayo Agbadje, 03/02/2021

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Online conference: Sharing Knowledge in COVID Time

On February 4, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. (Paris time), the 12th International Conference of Deans of Faculties of French Expression Medicine (CIDMEF) took place online and was dedicated to COVID on the theme "Sharing knowledge in COVID time". Joyce Dogba, Associate Professor in the Department of Family and Emergency Medicine at Université Laval and France Légaré - Physician, Researcher, Professor at Université Laval specializing in family medicine were among the speakers at this conference, which was open to all.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 02/02/2021

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Jean-Sébastien Paquette wins Support for Young Researchers Award

Congratulations to Jean-Sébastien Paquette who has won the Young Investigators Support Award offered by the CardioMetabolic Health, Diabetes and Obesity Research Network. This competition is intended for young Quebec researchers at the beginning of their careers.

By Alfred Kodjo Toi, 18/12/2020

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Scaling Up Shared Decision-making in Home and Community Care in Canada

As part of the LEGACy research program, a dialogue day was held in December 2019 with home and community care stakeholders. This dialogue addressed some of the challenges associated with scaling up shared decision-making in home and community care. Documents resulting from this dialogue are available on the McMaster University website in both English and French.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 16/11/2020

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Our team publishes a protocol on the decision-making needs of older adults and their caregivers living at home

This protocol published by Claudia Lai in BMJ Open under the supervision of France Légaré is entitled What older adults and their caregivers need for making better health-related decisions at home: a participatory mixed methods protocol. The protocol is for a needs assessment based on research conducted in a pan-Canadian healthcare organization, SE Health.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 16/11/2020

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Our colleague Lionel Adisso publishes an article on sex and gender considerations in interventions to promote shared decision-making

The article published in the journal PLOS ONE is entitled: Sex and gender considerations in implementation interventions to promote shared decision making: A secondary analysis of a Cochrane systematic review. Through this study, authors aimed to assess sex and gender terminology in SDM intervention studies.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 28/10/2020

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Marie-Eve Poitras publishes an article on a decision aid for management of high users of healthcare services

This article, published in the journal The Patient - Patient-Centered Outcomes Research, is entitled High Users of Healthcare Services: Development and Alpha Testing of a Patient Decision Aid for Case Management. The objective of this study was to develop and conduct a pilot alpha testing of a patient decision aid that supports high-user patients with complex needs and the teams who guide these patients in shared decision making when engaging in case management.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 28/10/2020

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France Légaré contributes to an article led by El Kebir Ghandour on adapting American decision aids on brain injuries to the Canadian context

The article entitled Adapting two American Decision Aids forMild Traumatic Brain Injury totheCanadian Context Using theNominal Group Technique was published in the journal The Patient - Patient-Centered Outcomes Research. The study was led by ElKebirGhandour and aimed to create a consensus among Canadian mild traumatic brain injury and emergency medicine experts on modifications required to adapt two American decision aids about head CT use for adult and paediatric mild traumatic brain injury to the Canadian context.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 28/10/2020

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Alex Poulin Herron awarded a Denise Lévesque Boudreau Scholarship

Congratulations to our colleague Alex Poulin Herron who was awarded a Denise Lévesque Boudreau Scholarship by the Ordre régional des infirmières et infirmiers de Québec (OIIQ) for the quality of her career and her academic success in nursing.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 29/09/2020

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Amédé Gogovor publishes a commentary on sex and gender analysis in knowledge translation interventions

The article entitled Sex and gender analysis in knowledge translation interventions: challenges and solutions was published in the journal Health Research Policy and Systems. In this Commentary, authors reflects on the challenges and solutions for integrating sex and gender encountered in six funded knowledge translation projects.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 29/09/2020

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Louis-Paul Rivest Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

Congratulations to Louis-Paul Rivest who is now a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (Class of 2020). Recognition by the Royal Society of Canada is the highest honour that can be bestowed on an individual working in the arts, social sciences and sciences.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 23/09/2020

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Our team publishes an article on patient engagement in community-based primary care practices

The article entitled  “They heard our voice!” Patient engagement councils in community-based primary care practices: a participatory action research pilot study" was published in the journal Research Involvement and Engagement. The objective of this study was to assess the acceptability and feasibility of embedding advisory councils of clinicians, managers, patients and caregivers to conduct patient-oriented quality improvement projects in primary care practices.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 23/09/2020

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Virginie Blanchette receives Diabetes Action Canada 2020 Network Training and Mentorship Program Award

Congratulations to our colleague Virginie Blanchette who has been awarded a postdoctoral fellowship as part of the Diabetes Care Canada 2020 Network Training and Mentorship Program.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 23/09/2020

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Our Team Publishes an Article on a Taxonomy of Behaviour Change Techniques for Promoting Shared Decision Making

The article entitled "Towards a taxonomy of behavior change techniques for promoting shared decision making" was published in the journal Implementation Science. The objective of this study, led by Titilayo Agbadje, was to develop a taxonomy of behaviour change techniques to guide future implementation initiatives in the context of shared decision making.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 24/08/2020

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France Légaré Contributes to an Article on a Professional Training Program on Shared Decision-Making in Elderly People Living with Neurocognitive Disorders

The article entitled "Professional training on shared decision making making with older adults living with neurocognitive disorders: a mixed-methods implementation study" was directed by Moulikatou Adouni Lawani and published in the journal BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. The objective of this study was to study the implementation and evaluate the effects of a vocational training program including an e-learning activity on shared decision making and five decision boxes on the management of people with neurocognitive disorders.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 24/08/2020

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France Légaré Receives a CMA Award

On Monday, August 10, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) announced the recipients of the 2020 CMA Awards. The program recognizes outstanding contributions to medicine or the health care system each year. Dr. France Légaré is one of 16 recipients and received the Dr. Léo-Paul Landry Medal of Service.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 14/08/2020

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France Légaré contributes to an article on a program to improve transition experiences of frail elderly patients from hospitals back into the community

The article " Learning Integrated Health System to Mobilize Context-Adapted Knowledge With a Wiki Platform to Improve the Transitions of Frail Seniors From Hospitals and Emergency Departments to the Community (LEARNING WISDOM): Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Implementation Study ", published in JMIR , describes a study that will measure the impact of the context-adapted Acute Care for Elders (ACE) program in four hospitals in the Chaudière-Appalaches region of Quebec.

By Sébastien Drouin, 06/08/2020

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France Légaré contributes to an article on the effects of printed educational materials (PEMs) on professional practices and patient health outcomes

 The article "Printed educational materials: effects on professional practice and healthcare outcomes", published in the Cochrane Library, aims to assess the effect and explore the influence of some of the characteristics of printed educational materials (e.g. source, content, format) on the practice of healthcare professionals and patient health outcomes.

By Sébastien Drouin, 06/08/2020

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Our team publishes an article on ways to improve the SPINACH website which aims to help seniors to remain independent at home

The article "Improving a Web-Based Tool to Support Older Adults to Stay Independent at Home: Qualitative Study", published in the journal JMIR mHealth and uHealth, aims to explore with potential end-users how the SPINACH website can be improved to help older adults stay independent at home.

By Sébastien Drouin, 22/07/2020

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France Légaré contributes a chapter on SDM to a book on person-centred health systems by the European Health Observatory

The book entitled “Achieving Person-Centred Health Systems: Evidence, Strategies and Challenges” was published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the European Health Observatory on Health Systems and Policies/WHO. France Légaré contributed the chapter entitled “Choosing treatments and the role of shared decision-making” that addresses the role of shared decision-making in health systems.

By Sébastien Drouin, 21/07/2020

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France Légaré contributes to an article about the opportunity of reducing unnecessary healthcare due to COVID-19

The article entitled “Covid-19: an opportunity to reduce unnecessary healthcare”, published in the BMJ, addresses the opportunity created by the pandemic to analyse overdiagnosis and overtreatment in healthcare.

By Sébastien Drouin, 15/07/2020

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France Légaré Contributes to an Article about Health Outcomes of Online Consumer Health Information (OCHI)

The article entitled: “Health outcomes of online consumer health information: A systematic mixed studies review with framework synthesis”, led by Pierre Pluye, was published in the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. This study’s objectives are centered around exploring and explaining health outcomes of Online Consumer Health Information in primary care.

By Sébastien Drouin, 10/07/2020

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France Légaré contributes to an article led by Anik Giguère on a scale that assesses clinicians' perception of their ability to adopt shared decision making (SDM).

The article is entitled: "Development of the IcanSDM scale to assess primary care clinicians' ability to adopt shared decision-making".  The authors of the study sought to develop and validate the IcanSDM scale that assesses clinicians' perception of their ability to adopt SDM.

By Sébastien Drouin, 09/07/2020

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Our Team Publishes an Article on Decision Regret among Informal Caregivers Making Housing Decisions for Older Adults

Conducted by our colleague Hélène Elidor, the article entitled "Decision Regret among Informal Caregivers Making Housing Decisions for Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment: A Cross-Sectional Analysis" was published in the Medical Decision Making journal.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 19/06/2020

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France Légaré Contributes to an Article on the Overuse of Head Computerized Tomography in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

The article entitled Head computerized tomography overuse in adults with mild traumatic brain injury in a single Quebec emergency department was published in the Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. The objective of this study was to estimate the overuse of computed tomography (CT) scans in adults with mild traumatic brain injury in the emergency department of a level II trauma centre in Quebec.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 20/05/2020

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France Légaré Contributes to an Article Led by Dawn Stacey on the Twentieth Anniversary of the Ottawa Decision Support Framework

The article entitled 20th Anniversary Ottawa Decision Support Framework: Part 3 Overview of Systematic Reviews and Updated Framework was published in the Medical Decision Making journal. The objective of this study was to update the Ottawa Decision Support Framework based on a synthesis of evidence.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 20/05/2020

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Our Colleague Alèxe Deom Tardif Presents Her Dissertation in 180 Seconds

We invite you to view the 180-second presentation of the thesis by our colleague Alèxe Deom Tardif, who is a master's student in public health at Université Laval. The presentation was made as part of the Integration Seminar course and is entitled: "Évaluation d’une formation de développement professionnel continu portant sur l’intégration des notions de sexe et de genre : une approche de méthodes mixtes."

By Titilayo Agbadje, 13/05/2020

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France Légaré contributes to an article directed by Catherine Hudon on the management of frequent users of health care services in primary care

The article entitled Case Management in Primary Care for Frequent Users of Health Care Services: A Realist Synthesis was published in the Annals of Family Medicine. The research question guiding this study was how and under what circumstances does case management in primary care work to improve outcomes for frequent users with chronic conditions?

By Titilayo Agbadje, 13/05/2020

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Research project

Scaling Up Shared Decision-making in Home and Community Care in Canada

As part of the LEGACy research program, a dialogue day was held in December 2019 with home and community care stakeholders. This dialogue addressed some of the challenges associated with scaling up shared decision-making in home and community care. To view the documents from this dialogue, follow this link

By Isabelle Vézina, 12/05/2020

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Tania, Alfred and Ndeye win a CERSSPL-UL scholarship

Congratulations to our colleagues Tania Lucette Lognon, Alfred Kodjo Toï and Ndeye Thiab Diouf who were awarded a grant from the CERSSPL-UL's Strategic Research Development Fund Support Program!

By Isabelle Vézina, 05/05/2020

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France Légaré Contributes to an Article Directed by Emélie Braschi on the Hidden Curriculum of Evidence-Based Medicine and Shared Decision Making

The article published in the Springer Link journal is entitled: Evidence-based medicine, shared decision making and the hidden curriculum: a qualitative content analysis.Through this study, the authors explored how the assumptions of evidence-based medicine and shared decision making can be hidden in formal educational materials such as PowerPoint slides.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 01/05/2020

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"Helping seniors choose the living environment that’s right for them" the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) released our capsule

"Helping seniors choose the living environment that’s right for them"  the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) released our capsule
Her presentation is available in video by following this link.

By Carole Thiébaut, 16/04/2020

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France Légaré Is One of Laval University's Pioneers and the Quebec Region

On Monday, March 9, Université Laval marked International Women's Day with a public conversation with three professors, including France Légaré, who have had a long and inspiring career. 

By Titilayo Agbadje, 13/03/2020

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Training on the development of tools to support shared decision-making in healthcare

We would like to bring to your attention that the training course "Designing Tools to Support Shared Decision Making in Healthcare" will be available free of charge on the Internet as of March 10. This training was designed by a team of researchers and partners from the universities of Laval, Sherbrooke, McGill, Montreal and Ottawa. You can register here.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 28/02/2020

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France Légaré contributes to an article led by Jenny Ploeg on older adults with diabetes and multiple chronic conditions

By Carole Thiébaut, 14/02/2020

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France Légaré Contributes to an Article Directed by Maman Joyce Dogba on Participation in Diabetic Retinopathy Screening among Immigrants in Canada

The article entitled Identifying Barriers and Enablers to Attending Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in Immigrants to Canada From Ethnocultural Minority Groups: Protocol for a Qualitative Descriptive Study was published in the JMIR research Protocols. The authors sought to identify factors which acted as barriers and enablers for ethno-cultural minority immigrants’ completion of diabetic retinopathy screening. Findings from this study will inform the development of theory-informed, culturally and linguistically-tailored, interventions to support patients’ completion of retinopathy screening.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 12/02/2020

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France Légaré Contributes to a Protocol Directed by Brigitte Vachon on the Evaluation of a Provincial Collaboration on Chronic Disease Management in Primary Health Care

The article entitled Evaluating Implementation and Impact of a Provincial Quality Improvement Collaborative for the Management of Chronic Diseases in Primary Care: the COMPAS+ Study Protocol was published in the BMC Family Practice Journal. This study aims to evaluate the implementation and impact of COMPAS+ quality improvement collaboratives on the prevention and management of targeted chronic diseases like diabetes.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 12/02/2020

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France Légaré Publishes an Article Directed by Richard Fleet on an Approach to Improve the Delivery of Care in Rural Emergency Services

The article entitled Improving Delivery of Care in Rural Emergency Departments: a Qualitative Pilot Study Mobilizing Health Professionals, Decision-Makers and Citizens in Baie-Saint-Paul and the Magdalen Islands, Québec, Canada was published in the BMC Health Services Research Journal. The objectives of this pilot study were to test the feasibility and relevance of the selected approach and to explore challenges related to and solutions for improving the delivery of care in selected emergency departments.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 12/02/2020

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France Légaré Contributes to an Article Directed by Martin Gariepy on the Overuse of Head CT in Children

The article entitled Head CT Overuse in Children with a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury within Two Canadian Emergency Departments was published in the Paediatrics & Child Health Journal. The objective of this study was to estimate the potential overuse of CT scans of the head in two Canadian emergency departments.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 12/02/2020

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An International Team Led by Ali Ben Charif Has Been Awarded a CIHR Catalyst Grant in the Patient-Oriented Research Competition

Under the supervision of France Légaré and Ron Beleno, Ali Ben Charif obtained funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) for his project entitled "Patient-oriented scale up and spread for enhanced patient-centred care".

By Titilayo Agbadje, 03/02/2020

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France Légaré is One of the Winners of the AFMC Awards for 2020

Dr. France Légaré received the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) President's Award for exemplary leadership in academic medicine at the national level. The awards ceremony will be held in Vancouver on April 19, 2020, as part of the Canadian Conference on Medical Education (CMEB) 2020.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 23/01/2020

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Quebec City’s Ambassadors Club Gives Award to the Organizers of the ISDM 2019 Conference

Québec City’s Ambassadors’ Club  recently gave an award to the organizers of the 10th International Shared Decision Making Conference (ISDM 2019), which was accepted on behalf of the ISDM 2019 Organizing Committee by France Légaré (Lead Organizer) and Mame-Awa Ndiaye (Patient Co-Manager of the Patient and Public Engagement Strategy of the Quebec SPOR Support Unit. This award is the fruit of the collaboration of the ISDM 2019 Organizing Committee and the Laval University Faculty of Medicine’s Office of Education and Continuing Professional Development (VDPDPC). 

By Titilayo Agbadje, 21/01/2020

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Amédé Gogovor Published a Systematic Review Protocol on Reporting Essential Elements of Studies on Health Intervention Scale Up Strategies

The article entitled  Essential Items for Reporting of Scaling Studies of Health Interventions (SUCCEED): Protocol for a Systematic Review and Delphi Process was published in the BMC Sytematic Reviews. The objective of this project is to develop SUCCEED, a reporting guideline for studies assessing scaling strategies.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 13/01/2020

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Fifth Edition of the Choosing Wisely Annual Conference

The 2020 edition of the Choosing Wisely Annual Conference will take place on May 25 and 26 in Ottawa. It is an opportunity for healthcare professionals, patients and healthcare leaders to come together to discuss, exchange and network on topics related to the reduction of unnecessary care. The deadline for accepting abstracts is January 31, 2020. Submit here.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 09/01/2020

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France Légaré Plenary Speaker at KT Canada's 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting

The 2020 Knowledge Translation (KT) Canada Annual Scientific Meeting, on the theme “Developing KT Interventions in a Complex Health System,” will be held on May 7th and 8th in Ottawa. At this event, France Légaré will giving a plenary speech. 

By Titilayo Agbadje, 08/01/2020

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Dawn Stacey is recipient of the research excellence award from Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN)

By Alfred Kodjo Toi, 07/01/2020

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Congratulations to Dawn Stacey who won the award from the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) 2020.

Dawn Stacey is the recipient of research excellence award from the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN).

By Alfred Kodjo Toi, 07/01/2020

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Congratulations to Dawn Stacey who won the award of excellence from the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) 2020.

Dawn Stacey is the recipient of research excellence award from the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN).

By Alfred Kodjo Toi, 07/01/2020

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Dawn Stacey who won the award of excellence from the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) 2020.

Congratulations to Dawn Stacey is the recipient of research excellence award from the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN)

By Alfred Kodjo Toi, 07/01/2020

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Amédé Gogovor Has Obtained a Travel Grant From the Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Congratulations to our colleague Amédé Gogovor who obtained a travel grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for his project entitled "Items for the Report of Studies of Scaling up Health Interventions: A Systematic Review."

By Titilayo Agbadje, 07/01/2020

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France Légaré Participated in the Most Studies on Shared Decision-Making Published between 2009 and 2018

According to a recent study conducted by Cuncun Lu and published on December 18, 2019 in the journal Frontiers in Public Health, France Légaré participated in most studies on shared decision-making and published from 2009 to 2018. The article is entitled: Trends in Shared Decision-Making Studies From 2009 to 2018: A Bibliometric Analysis.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 07/01/2020

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University of Angers (France): Third edition of the primary care summer school

The third edition of the primary care summer school will take place from June 29 to July 3, 2020 at the University of Angers in France. This summer school is ideal for recently graduated health professionals or students at the end of their studies, researchers or students in the humanities and social sciences and decision-makers. The deadline to register is April 15, 2020. 

By Titilayo Agbadje, 03/01/2020

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Most cited scientists of the year: France Légaré invited by Radio Canada

On Thursday December 26, 2019, France Légaré was invited for an interview at Ici Première heure on Radio Canada as one of the most cited scientists of the year. You can listen to her interview on the Radio Canada website.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 03/01/2020

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Marie-Eve Poitras publishes an article on decisional needs of patients with complex care needs in primary care

The article entitled  Decisional needs assessment of patients with complex care needs in primary care has been published in the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. The objective of this study was to assess the decision‐making needs of patients with complex care needs (PCCN) who frequently use health care services.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 09/12/2019

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Alex Poulin Herron Receives Excellence Scholarship from Université Laval Partner of RRISIQ

Congratulations to our colleague Alex Poulin Herron, a student in the nursing faculty supervised by Geneviève Roch and co-supervised by France Légaré, who received a merit Scholarship from Université Laval, a partner of the RRISIQ.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 06/12/2019

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France Légaré presents at the Santa Claus Symposium Excellence in Patient Care (EPC) 2019 in Zurich focused on Patient-Centered Health Care

On Friday 6 December in Zurich, the first Symposium on Excellence in Patient Care at Basel and Zurich University Hospitals, the Institute for Biomedical Ethics and the History of Medicine at the University of Zurich will be held. Collegium Helveticum. On this occasion, Dr. Légaré presents "Shared decision-making as a national political strategy: the Canadian example".

By Titilayo Agbadje, 06/12/2019

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Dr. France Légaré key witness at 19th National Congress of France's College for General Practice Teachers

France's National College of Teaching Generalists (CNGE) is reponsible for the teaching of general practice across France. Dr. France Légaré was a key witness, or "grand témoin", at the closing ceremony of their 19th National Conference held from 27 to 29 November 2019 in Nantes. 

By Titilayo Agbadje, 25/11/2019

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France Légaré is one of six Laval University researchers who are most influential in the world

Congratulations to France Légaré, one of the six most influential Laval University professors. Dre Légaré is a Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine at Université Laval.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 20/11/2019

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France Légaré contributes to an article by Laura Boland on decisional conflict in parents making decisions for their children

The aritcle, published in Medical Decision Making, is entitled SURE Test Accuracy for Decisional Conflict Screening among Parents Making Decisions for Their Child. In this study, conducted by Laura Boland, the authors aimed to validate the SURE test for screening for decisional conflict among parents in primary care.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 20/11/2019

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France Légaré one of the most highly cited researchers in 2019

Congratulations to Dr. France Légaré, who has been recognized as among the top 1% most frequently cited researchers in her domain for 2019 by the Web of Science Group.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 19/11/2019

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France Légaré contributes to article by Renata Yen on medical students and shared decision-making

Led by Renata Yen of the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, the article entitled Medical Students' Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Shared Decision Making: Results from a Multinational, Cross-Sectional Survey was published in Medical Decision Making Policy & Practice. Knowledge of SDM was high (mean 83.6%) but of risk communication lower (mean 57.4%), and 46% thought SDM could only happen with more educated patients.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 12/11/2019

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Lionel Adisso receives a Desjardins Training Award for Research and Innovation

Congratulations to our colleague Lionel Adisso, doctoral student in Epidemiology, Population Health and Best Practices in Health, who received a $9,000 Desjardins Training Grant for his project on the evaluation of the implementation of an interprofessional approach to shared decision-making with home care teams.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 12/11/2019

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Dr. France Légaré reflects on YouTube on the intersectoral approach in research

The Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) has solicited a series of testimonials from researchers on the impact and relevance of intersectoral research. France Légaré shared her thoughts on the essential role of intersectoral approach to research for solving today's highly complex problems in a video published on YouTube.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 07/11/2019

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Samira Rahimi publishes a protocol on a mobile app for shared decision making about prenatal screening

Under the supervision of France Légaré, the protocol entitled An Analytical Mobile App for Shared Decision Making About Prenatal Screening: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study was published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Research Protocols. This protocol hypothesizes that shared decision-making (SDM) for prenatal screening could be facilitated by decision tools based on mobile technology.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 10/10/2019

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Chair's editor-translator Louisa Blair is finalist for Governor General's Literary Award

Louisa Blair, the English-language editor and translator for the Chair, has been shortlisted for the 2019 Governor General's Literary Award for translation for her translation of Robert Lepage's play 887 published by House of Anansi Press.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 08/10/2019

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Our team publishes an article on the pitfalls of scaling up evidence-based interventions in health

The article is entitled The pitfalls of scaling up evidence-based interventions in health, and was published in the journal Global Health Action. The authors aim to enhance awareness of the various pitfalls to be anticipated when planning scale-up of an intervention, and which could explain why scaling up does not often produced the desired results.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 02/10/2019

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Mentored by France Légaré, family physician Dr Jean-Sébastien Paquette researches patient-oriented PBRNs thanks to FMOQ Letter of Agreement

Dr. Jean-Sébastien Paquette is one of only four family physicians in Quebec to obtain the 2019-2020 Letter of Agreement No. 250 from the Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec (FMOQ). The purpose of the letter is to set up specific remuneration arrangements for physicians recognized as family medicine researchers. It also aims to support the career development of aspiring researchers and to improve working conditions for researchers in family medicine.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 24/09/2019

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France Légaré participates in US-Canada PCORI Palliative Care Learning Network team meeting

Since 2016, the 9 teams funded by the transnational (US-Canada) Community-Based Palliative Care Delivery Program for Adult Patients with Advanced Illnesses and their Caregivers (under the umbrella of PCORI, the Washington-based Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute), have been meeting annually to discuss experiences and to learn together. They met again in September. 

By Titilayo Agbadje, 19/09/2019

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The ethics of mHealth in resource-poor areas: France Légaré contributes to a study led by Lucie Laflamme

This article entitled Targeting ethical considerations tied to image-based mobile health diagnostic support specific to clinicians in low-resource settings: the Brocher proposition was conducted by Lucie Laflamme of Karolinska Institute in Sweden and published in the journal Global Health Action. The study aimed to achieve consensus among stakeholders on how to address concerns pertaining to autonomy, safety, and justice among mHealth developers and users in low-resource settings, in particular for the application of image-based consultation for diagnostic support.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 18/09/2019

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Videos from the 10th International Conference on Shared Decision Making now available!

We would like to bring to your attention that the videos of the plenary sessions and the discussion panel on shared decision making research from the 10th International Conference on Shared Decision Making, held July 7-10, 2019 in Quebec City, are now available. To access the rest of the videos in the playlist, please click on the button located in the upper right corner of the video.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 17/09/2019

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France Légaré contributes to systematic review led by Catherine Hudon on case management for frequent users of health care

This systematic review, published in the Annals of Family Medicine, is entitled Characteristics of Case Management in Primary Care Associated With Positive Outcomes for Frequent Users of Health Care: A Systematic Review. Dr. Hudon (University of Sherbrooke) and co-authors identified characteristics of case management that yield positive outcomes for frequent primary care users with chronic diseases across in five provinces.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 12/09/2019

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Masters grad Alexandrine Boucher publishes article on burden of care among caregivers of older people facing housing decisions

The article was published in BMC Geriatrics by a public health student working with the Chair. It is entitled Time to move? Factors associated with burden of care among informal caregivers of cognitively impaired older people facing housing decisions: secondary analysis of a cluster randomized trial. Factors impacting higher burden of care included the housing preference being for the cognitively impaired older person to move into private residential care or into the caregivers' own home.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 12/09/2019

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France Légaré contributes to a protocol on implementing advance care planning in primary care

This paper, entitled Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Trial Comparing Team-Based to Clinician-Focused Implementation of Advance Care Planning in Primary Care and published in the Journal of Palliative Medicine, compares clinician-based advance care planning with team-based planning.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 05/09/2019

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France Légaré contributes to an article by Renata West Yen on medical students and shared decision-making

This article, entitled Medical students’ knowledge and attitudes towards shared decision­making: results from a multinational cross­sectional  survey  and published in Sussex Research Online, describes a study on knowledge about shared decision-making (SDM) among medical students and their attitudes towards it. 

By Titilayo Agbadje, 03/09/2019

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The 2018 Patient Advisors Network Conference Evaluation Report

The peer-led Patient Advisors Network have released their 2018 Conference Evaluation Report that compiles the results of a year-long survey on factors that strengthen and weaken healthcare conferences from the perspective of patient and caregiver partners. 

By Titilayo Agbadje, 27/08/2019

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Our team publishes an article on intracluster correlation coefficients (ICCs)

Ali Ben Charif and other colleagues have published an article on intracluster correlation coefficients for SDM trials in primary care. The article is entitled Implementation Research on Shared Decision Making in Primary Care: Inventory of Intracluster Correlation Coefficients and was published in Medical Decision Making.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 27/08/2019

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France Légaré contributes to Janet Jull's Cochrane review on decision coaching

France Légaré is co-author of a new Cochrane Systematic Review protocol, led by Janet Jull, entitled: Decision coaching for people making healthcare decisions.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 01/08/2019

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France Légaré contributes to an article led by Holly Witteman's team on how much shared decision making is practised in family medicine teaching clinics

In How often do both core competencies of shared decision making occur in family medicine teaching clinics?, published in Canadian Family Physician, Holly Witteman and team look at risk communication and values clarification in 5 family medicine teaching clinics. 

By France Légaré, 24/07/2019

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France Légaré contributes to an article led by Holly Witteman's team on shared decision making in radiation oncology clinics

France Légaré is a contributor to this article, published in BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, entitled: Talking about treatment benefits, harms, and what matters to patients in radiation oncology: an observational study. Authors led by Holly Witteman conclude that more discussion about what matters to patients is necessary.

By France Légaré, 24/07/2019

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France Légaré contributes to an article in BMJ Health Services Research on reducing the complexity of decision aids

By France Légaré, 24/07/2019

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Mirjam Garvelink publishes on the Decisional Conflict Scale in Medical Decision Making

In Decisional Conflict Scale Use over 20 Years: The Anniversary Review, Mirjam Garvelink and colleagues review the use of the Decisional Conflict Scale since its origins over 20 years ago. 

By France Légaré, 24/07/2019

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Our colleagues contribute to article in BMJ Open on evaluating SDM training

In Strategies to evaluate healthcare provider trainings in shared decision-making (SDM): a systematic review of evaluation studies, Evamaria Müller, France Légaré and colleagues review how healthcare provider training in SDM is evaluated.

By France Légaré, 24/07/2019

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France Légaré and colleagues respond to comments on their tool for assessing organizational readiness for change

In Future Directions for the Organizational Readiness for Knowledge Translation (OR4KT) Tool: Response to Recent Commentaries, published in the International Journal of Health Policy and Management, Marie-Pierre Gagnon, France Légaré and colleagues respond to comments on their tool for assessing readiness for change in healthcare organizations (OR4KT). 

By France Légaré, 24/07/2019

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Our team publishes a commentary on patient engagement metrics in the International Journal of Health Policy and Management

By France Légaré, 24/07/2019

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France Légaré contributes to an article by Anik Giguère's team in the Canadian Journal on Aging

In Assessing the Quality of Care Provided to Older Persons with Frailty in Five Canadian Provinces, Using Administrative Data, Anik Giguère and her team analyzed data on quality of care for frail older people in five provinces. They found that older males received poorer care.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 24/07/2019

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Our colleague Rhéda Adekpedjou has successfully defended his doctoral thesis in epidemiology

Congratulations to our colleague Rhéda Adekpedjou who successfully defended his doctoral thesis in epidemiology on Friday, June 28, 2019 at Laval University.

By France Légaré, 03/07/2019

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France Légaré contributes to a commentary in The Patient on tools to support preference-sensitive decisions

France Légaré is a contributor to a commentary by Jan Osterman et al. in The Patient - Patient-Centered Outcomes Research, entitled: Support Tools for Preference-Sensitive Decisions in Healthcare: Where Are We? Where Do We Go? How Do We Get There? The authors discuss the challenges of health decision-making today for health providers and patients alike and the importance of health preference research.

By France Légaré, 02/07/2019

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France Légaré contributes to an article on training home care teams in interprofessionalism

France Légaré is a contributer to an article by Maman Joyce Dogba et al., published in the Journal of Interprofessional Care, entitled: Enhancing interprofessionalism in shared decision-making training within homecare settings: a short report. The authors report on developing interprofessional training tools to include in shared decision making workshops for home care teams.

By France Légaré, 12/06/2019

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Article on diabetes complications by Maman Joyce Dogba one of the most downloaded

"Diabetes-related complications: Which research topics matter to diverse patients and caregivers?" by Maman Joyce Dogba and colleagues, including France Légaré, and published in Health Expectations, was one of the most downloaded papers following online publication from January 2017 to December 2018.

By France Légaré, 07/06/2019

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France Légaré contributes to article on online consumer health information in the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

France Légaré contributed to an article by Pierre Pluye et. al. published in the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. The review, entitled: Health outcomes of online consumer health information: A systematic mixed studies review with framework synthesis, presents a comprehensive typology of positive and negative online consumer health information outcomes.

By France Légaré, 05/06/2019

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France Légaré contributes to an article on the impact of diabetes treatment adherence on severe CVD events

France Légaré was contributer to an article in JMIR Research Protocols by Min Su et al., entitled: The Impact of Treatment Adherence for Patients With Diabetes and Hypertension on Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Protocol for a Retrospective Cohort Study, 2008-2018. This protocol proposes exploring the association between treatment adherence (or non-adherence) with severe CVD events, including death.

By France Légaré, 03/06/2019

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France Légaré contributes to an article on urban vs. rural emergency mortality rates

France Légaré contributed to an article published in BMJ Open by Richard Fleet et al., entitled Profile of trauma mortality and trauma care resources at rural emergency departments and urban trauma centres in Quebec: a population-based, retrospective cohort study. The study found that mortality rates of trauma patients treated in rural emergency departments were higher than those in urban trauma centres in Quebec.

By France Légaré, 03/06/2019

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Our team publishes an article in the journal Medical Decision Making

Our team has just published an article in the journal Medical Decision Making entitled: Decisional Conflict Scale Findings among Patients and Surrogates Making Health Decisions: Part II of an Anniversary Review.

By France Légaré, 30/05/2019

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France Légaré contributes to an article in the journal Patient Education and Counseling

France Légaré contributed to an article that has been accepted by the journal Patient Education and Counseling, entitled: A conceptual framework for patient-directed knowledge tools to support patient-centred care: Results from an evidence-informed consensus meeting.

By France Légaré, 17/05/2019

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Rhéda Adékpedjou publishes an article in the journal The Gerontologist

Rhéda Adékpedjou publishes an article in the journal The Gerontologist, entitlted: Engaging Caregivers in Health-Related Housing Decisions for Older Adults With Cognitive Impairment: A Cluster Randomized Trial. 

By France Légaré, 17/05/2019

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Simon Décary receives a Banting scholarship

Congratulations to our colleague Simon Décary, winner of the 2018-2019 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Award among Canada's 70 recipients. The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Program provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to the country's economic, social and research-based growth. Please follow the link for more details on the contest results.

By France Légaré, 17/05/2019

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France Légaré interviewed for article in Le Médecin du Québec

Dr. France Légaré was interviewed for the April 2019 edition of the magazine Le Médecin du Québec. Read the article (in French only) at Concilier lignes directrices et personnalisation des soins.

By France Légaré, 05/04/2019

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New webinaire on citizen engagement by the McMaster Health Forum

McMaster Health Forum has made available online its new webinar entitled: Top Ten insights into citizen engagement: a Canadian perspective.

By France Légaré, 04/04/2019

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Our team publishes an article in CMAJ Open

Our team has published an article in CMAJ Open entitled: Shared decision-making experienced by Canadians facing health care decisions: a Web-based survey.

By France Légaré, 04/04/2019

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Team members awarded funds by the Strategic Research Development Fund of the Université Laval Primary Care Research Centre (CERSSPL-UL)

Congratulations to Hélène Elidor and Alex Poulin Herron for receiving funding from the Strategic Research Development Fund of the Université Laval Primary Care Research Centre (CERSSPL-UL).

By France Légaré, 03/04/2019

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France Légaré contributes to an article published in BMJ Open

France Légaré contributed to an article published in BMJ Open entitled: "Optimising patient active role with a user-centred eHealth platform (CONCERTO+) in chronic diseases management: a study protocol for a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial".

By France Légaré, 03/04/2019

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Alexandrine Boucher congratulated by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at Université Laval

Ms. Josée Bastien, Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at Université Laval, congratulated Alexandrine Boucher for meeting the requirements of the Master's program in Public Health to obtain the degree of Master of Science (MSc).

By France Légaré, 02/04/2019

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Lionel Adisso receives a Faculty of Medicine scholarship for publication as 1st author

Congratulations to our colleague Lionel Adisso, who has won a Université Laval scholarship from the Faculty of Medicine for his publications as 1st author in 2018.

By France Légaré, 02/04/2019

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Our team publishes a commentary in the International Journal of Health Policy and Management

Our team has published an article in the International Journal of Health policy and Management entitled : "Patient Engagement and its Evaluation Tools – Current Challenges and Future Directions; Comment on “Metrics and Evaluation Tools for Patient Engagement in Healthcare Organization- and System-Level Decision-Making: A Systematic Review”".

By France Légaré, 20/03/2019

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Visit from the Canadian Minister of Health

On March 12, we received a visit in Quebec from the federal Minister of Health, the Honourable Ms. "Ginette Petitpas Taylor", at the University Family Medicine Group (UFMG) in Saint-François d'Assise Hospital, one of 12 clinical care, teaching research sites attached to the Department of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine at Université Laval.

By France Légaré, 15/03/2019

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France Légaré contributes to an article published in the Journal of Genetic Counseling

France Légaré is co-author of an article just published in the Journal of Genetic Counseling entitled: "Assessing Shared Decision‐Making Clinical Behaviors Among Genetic Counsellors".

By France Légaré, 15/02/2019

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France Légaré contributes to an article published in BMC Sytematic Reviews

France Légaré is co-author in an article just published in the BMC Systematic Reviews entitled: "Inappropriateness of health care in Canada: a systematic review protocol".

By France Légaré, 15/02/2019

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France Légaré contributes to an article published in the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association (JAPhA)

France Légaré is co-author of an article recently published in the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association (JAPhA) entitled : "Exploring the role of teams and technology in patients' medication decision making".

By France Légaré, 11/02/2019

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Sylvie-Marianne Rhugenda is finalist for the Faculty of Social Sciences' Award of Excellence

Sylvie-Marianne Rhugenda is a finalist for the Faculty of Social Sciences' Award of Excellence. The four winners will be selected at the 29th Annual Awards of Excellence, on Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 6:30 pm at the Théâtre de la Cité universitaire, Palasis-Prince Pavilion at Laval University.

By France Légaré, 05/02/2019

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Research project

France Légaré contributes to an article published in the Journal of Rheumatology

France Légaré was a contributor in an article published in the Journal of Rheumatology entitled : "Development of a Core Domain Set of Outcomes for Shared Decision Making Interventions: An Omeract White Paper and Stakeholder Interviews".

By France Légaré, 04/02/2019

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Research project

Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)

The National Institutes of Health (US) has announced a funding opportunity entitled: Implementation of shared decision making for HLBS diseases and conditions (R01 Clinical Trial Optional). Due date: June 5, 2019.

By France Légaré, 31/01/2019

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10th International Shared Decision Making Conference

The 10th International Shared Decision Making Conference will take place from July 7-10, 2019, in Quebec City, Canada. Call for abstracts extended to February 4, 2019.

By France Légaré, 11/01/2019

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Invitation to the "Choosing Wisely" Canada National Meeting 2019

You are invited to participate in the 2019 edition of the "Choosing Wisely" Canada National Meeting that will take place on May 27, 2019 at the Centre Mont Royal in Montréal, Quebec.

By France Légaré, 10/01/2019

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France Légaré participated in the most Shared Decision-Making studies from 2009 to 2018

According to a recent study conducted by Cuncun Lu and published on December 18, 2019 in the journal Frontiers in Public Health, France Légaré participated in most studies on shared decision-making and published from 2009 to 2018. The article is entitled: Trends in Shared Decision-Making Studies From 2009 to 2018: A Bibliometric Analysis.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 07/01/2019

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Happy Holidays!

The entire team of the Canada Research Chair on Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019.

By France Légaré, 20/12/2018

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Our team publishes an article in the Pluralages Magazine

Our team publishes an article in the magazine Pluralages entitled: Implementating shared decision-making in home care teams: From 2017 to the present.

By France Légaré, 17/12/2018

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Our team publishes an article in the journal Plos One

Our team publishes an article in the journal Plos One entitled: Can patients be trained to expect shared decision making in clinical consultations? Feasibility study of a public library program to raise patient awareness.

By France Légaré, 13/12/2018

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Members of the SPOR Support Unit receive Honorable Mentions

Four members of the SPOR Support Unit received Honorable Mentions for their posters presented at the joint meeting of the Community-Based Primary Health Care (CBPHC) 12-Teams and the SPOR PIHCI network held on December 6-7, 2018 in Montreal, Quebec.

By France Légaré, 11/12/2018

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Our team publishes an article in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology

Our team publishes an article in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology entitled: The Actor-Partner Interdependence Model in shared decision making: An illustrative example of its application to the physician-patient dyad in primary care consultations.

By France Légaré, 11/12/2018

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10th International Shared Decision Making Conference

The Organizing Committee is delighted to invite you to the 10th International Shared Decision Making Conference, taking place from July 7-10 2019 in Quebec City, Canada.

By France Légaré, 03/12/2018

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France Légaré contributes to an article published in BMC Geriatrics

France Légaré contributed to an article published in BMC Geriatrics entitled: Key stakeholders’ views on the quality of care and services available to frail seniors in Canada.

By France Légaré, 03/12/2018

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France Légaré is among the highly cited researchers 2018

Congratulations to Dr. France Légaré, Canada Research Chair Tier 1 on Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation, who ranked in the top 1% of the most cited researchers for 2018 according to Web of Science.

By France Légaré, 27/11/2018

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Podcast: A review of activities to help healthcare professionals share decisions about care with their patients

It is widely recognised that more emphasis needs to be given to the role of the patient in making decisions about their health care. But what are the best ways to make this happen? Some of the answers are in the July 2018 update of a Cochrane Review on shared decision making. France Légaré from Université Laval in Québec Canada, lead author of the review tells us why this is important and what they found.

By France Légaré, 21/11/2018

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PHO Grand Rounds by Dr. France Légaré: Shared decision making and antibiotic use in primary care

Shared decision making is a communication strategy of citing clinical evidence in the application of personalized health decision making through prescriber-patient collaboration. Studies on shared decision making in antibiotic use indicate a higher level of agreement between physicians and patients on whether to initiate or delay antibiotics, leaving patients feeling more involved in their own care.

By France Légaré, 09/11/2018

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Simon Décary publishes a letter in the journal Physiotherapy

A letter to the editor entitled Promoting high-quality physiotherapy to support Choosing Wisely recommendations by Simon Décary was published in the journal Physiotherapy.

By France Légaré, 17/10/2018

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France Légaré contributes to an article about a transcultural knowledge translation tool published in the International Journal of Health Policy and Management

France Légaré is a contributor to a new article in the International Journal of Health Policy and Management entitled : Development and Content Validation of a Transcultural Instrument to Assess Organizational Readiness for Knowledge Translation in Healthcare Organizations: The OR4KT

By France Légaré, 16/10/2018

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France Légaré receives funding through the CIHR Foundation 2017-2018 Grants Competition

France Légaré has received funding for her research program entitled "Scaling Up Shared Decision Making for Patient-Centred Care"

By France Légaré, 31/08/2018

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Ali Ben Charif chairs a conference on health innovations

Ali Ben Charif, postdoctoral researcher at Laval University and an expert in knowledge translation in healthcare, chaired a day-long conference on the application of health innovations in the Comoros Islands.

By France Légaré, 31/07/2018

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Ali Ben Charif receives a grant from the Quebec SPOR Support Unit

Our colleague Ali Ben Charif has been awarded a scientific communications support grant from the Quebec Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Support Unithis Scientific Communications Support Grants Competition is organized twice a year by the SPOR Support Unit.

By France Légaré, 31/07/2018

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Our team publishes an article in the journal Medical Teacher

Our team has published an article in the journal Medical Teacher entitled:Approaches to considering sex and gender in continuous professional development for health and social care professionals: An emerging paradigm.

By France Légaré, 31/07/2018

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Our team publishes the second update of its Cochrane review on implementation of shared decision making in clinical practices

Our team has just published a Cochrane systematic review entitled: Interventions for increasing the use of shared decision making by healthcare professionals.

By France Légaré, 23/07/2018

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Our team publishes an article in the journal The Gerontologist about SDM and housing transitions

Our team recently published an article in the journal The Gerontologist entitled: Shared Decision Making About Housing Transitions for Persons With Dementia: A Four-Case Care Network Perspective.

By France Légaré, 11/07/2018

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Rhéda Adékpedjou receives an award at the CISSS Outaouais Research Day

Congratulations to our colleague Rhéda Adékpedjou who has received 3rd prize for his scientific poster presented at the CISSS Outaouais Research Dayheld on June 8th.

By France Légaré, 13/06/2018

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Our team publishes an article in BMC Health Services Research

Notre équipe publie un article dans le BMC Health Services Research, intitulé : Pregnant women's views on how to promote the use of a decision aid for Down syndrome prenatal screening: a theory-informed qualitative study.

By Hubert Robitaille, 12/06/2018

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We contribute to article in Academic Pediatrics on overcoming barriers to SDM

France Légaré contributed to an article just published in the journal Academic Pediatrics entitled : Post-training shared decision-making barriers and facilitators for pediatric healthcare providers: a mixed methods study.

By France Légaré, 04/06/2018

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Julie Haesebaert wins the Best Poster Award for her poster on engaging patients in research

Congratulations to Julie Haesebaert, a postdoctoral researcher in our team, who won the "Best Poster - Student Category" award at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Department of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine at Université Laval.

By France Légaré, 19/05/2018

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France Légaré reçoit un prix Grand diplômé 2018

France Légaré was named a Grande Diplômée (remarkable graduate) at the 2018 Les Remarquables ceremony held on May 09, 2018 at the Palais Montcalm in Quebec city. This event, organized by Université Laval Foundation, honours six remarkable graduates, four young graduates, a volunteer of the year, a young philanthropist as well as awarding the philanthropic Coups de Coeur.

By France Légaré, 07/05/2018

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Congratulations to Rhéda Adekpedjou who receives a scholarship from Centre de recherche sur les soins et les services de première ligne de l'université Laval (CERSSPL-UL).

Rhéda Adekpedjou has been awarded a scholarship by the Centre de recherche sur les soins et les services de première ligne de l'Université Laval (CERSSPL-UL) under its Strategic Research Development Fund support program

By France Légaré, 03/05/2018

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Congratulations to our colleague Ali Ben Charif who received a FRQS postdoctoral fellowship.

As part of the postdoctoral fellowship program for non-resident applicants in Quebec, has awarded a training grant for 2018-2019 to our colleague Ali Ben Charif, postdoctoral trainee, for his project on scaling up evidence-based practices in primary care.

By France Légaré, 01/05/2018

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New publication in the journal JMIR: Psychosocial Factors of Health Professionals’ Intention to Use a Decision Aid for Down Syndrome Screening: Cross-Sectional Quantitative Study

Our team has published an article in the journal JMIR entitled Psychosocial Factors of Health Professionals’ Intention to Use a Decision Aid for Down Syndrome Screening: Cross-Sectional Quantitative Study.

By France Légaré, 27/04/2018

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Alexandrine Boucher receives a scholarship for her academic career and involvement in the community

Alexandrine Boucher, a master's student in public health at the Chair, was awarded a merit scholarship in honour of her academic career and her involvement in the community during the 2018 edition of " Les Bourses de la relève : reconnaître les femmes leaders de demain" held on April 15 in Rimouski.

By France Légaré, 20/04/2018

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The Canada Research Chair in Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation invites you to the conference "ANTIBIOTICS, A SHARED DECISION" presented by the Quebec SPOR Support Unit.

By France Légaré, 11/04/2018

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Research project

The Chair's team is participating in a project funded under the Fonds de soutien à l'innovation en santé et en services sociaux (FSISSS)

The Chair's team is participating in a project funded under the Fonds de soutien à l'innovation en santé et en services sociaux Volet 1 (FSISSS) of the Quebec's Ministry of Economy, Science and Innovation.

By France Légaré, 08/04/2018

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Our team contributes to an article in the International Journal of Health Policy and Management

Our team contributed to the publication of an article in theInternational Journal of Health Policy and Management, entitled "Development and Content Validation of a Transcultural Instrument to Assess Organizational Readiness for Knowledge Translation in Healthcare Organizations: The OR4KT"

By France Légaré, 08/03/2018

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Our team published an article in the journal PLoS One

Our team published recently an article in the journal PLoS One, entitled Opens external link in new windowChoosing between staying at home or moving: A systematic review of factors influencing housing decisions among frail older adults.

By France Légaré, 10/01/2018

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Our team contributes to an article in the journal Canadian Journal on Aging

Our team contributed recently to the publication of an article in the journal Canadian Journal on Aging entitled What Do Clinical Supervisors Require to Teach Residents in Family Medicine How to Care for Seniors?

By France Légaré, 10/01/2018

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Our team published an article in the journal JMIR Human Factors

Our team published recently an article in the journal JMIR Human Factors, entitled Deciding How to Stay Independent at Home in Later Years : Development and Acceptability Testing of an Informative Web-Based Module.

By France Légaré, 18/12/2017

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Our team contributes to an article in the journal Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine

Our team contributed recently to the publication of an article in the journal Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine entitled The Quebec emergency department guide: A cross-sectional study to evaluate its use, perceived usefulness, and implementation in rural emergency departments.

By France Légaré, 18/12/2017

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World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2017 of the World Health Organization (WHO)

The World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2017 of the World Health Organization is being held from November 13 to19. Many studies of the Canada Research Chair on Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation aim to improve adequate use of antibiotics.

By France Légaré, 04/12/2017

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Our team published to an article in the journal Implementation Science

Our team published recently an article in the journal Implementation Science, entitled Effective strategies for scaling up evidence-based practices in primary care : a systematic review.

By France Légaré, 04/12/2017

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Research project

Mirjam Garvelink receives a grant from the programme Joint Transnational Call for Proposals 2017 in the category Ageing and place in digitising world!

Our colleague Mirjam Garvelink officially received a scholarship from the programme Joint Transnational Call for Proposals 2017 in the category Ageing and place in a digitising world for her project entitled teChnology tO suppORt DecIsioN Making about Aging aT home (COORDINATEs).

By France Légaré, 20/11/2017

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France Légaré in the prestigious list of the 2017 highly cited researchers

Congratulations to Dr. France Légaré, Canada Research Chair Tier 1 on Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation, who ranked in the top 1% of the most cited researchers for 2017 according to Web of Science.

By France Légaré, 17/11/2017

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IHDCYH Talks video competition

The Canada Research Chair in Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation is proud to participate to the Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH) Talks video competition.

By France Légaré, 09/11/2017

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National Week of Caregivers 2017

The National Week of Caregivers is being held from November 5 to 11. Many studies of the Canada Resarch Chair on Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation aim to improve support for frail elderlys' caregivers, and we are following with great interest all activities related to this public health issue.

By France Légaré, 06/11/2017

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Our team contributes to an article in the journal BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

Our team contributed recently to the publication of an article in the journal BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, entitled Intermittent auscultation versus continuous fetal monitoring: exploring factors that influence birthing unit nurses' fetal surveillance practice using theoretical domains framework.

By France Légaré, 02/10/2017

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Matthew Menear obtains the Health System Impact Fellowships – Host Employer Partner Organizations from CIHR

The fellowship of Dr Menear, ''Implementing and evaluating the scalability of COMPAS-SM: a patient-oriented quality improvement intervention targeting mental health care'', is one of 39 Health System Impact Fellowships.

By France Légaré, 28/09/2017

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Participation to the 4th National Health Congress - Brazil

The Chairholder of the Canada Research Chair in Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation, Dr. France Légaré, gave recently two presentations for the 4th National Health Congress (Congresso Nacional de Saude) organized by the federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

By France Légaré, 22/09/2017

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Our team contributes to an article in the Canadian Family Physician journal

Our team contributed recently to an article in the Canadian Family Physician journal, entitled Shared decision in preventive health care: What it is; what it is not.

By France Légaré, 18/09/2017

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Congratulations to Andrée-Anne Tremblay - “Coup de coeur du public” (public’s choice) award

Congratulations to Andrée-Anne Tremblay, who completed a 2017 summer internship with us and who has won the “Coup de coeur du public” (public’s choice) award at Cégep Garneau’s 2017 Poster Evening for Summer Science Internships.

By France Légaré, 15/09/2017

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Our team publishes and article in "Global Health Action"

Our team published an article in Global Health Action entitled "Are mobile health applications useful for supporting shared decision making in diagnostic and treatment decisions?".

By France Légaré, 25/08/2017

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Our team contributes to an article in “BMJ Open”

Our team recently contributed to an article in BMJ Open, entitled Opens external link in new windowRural emergency care 360°: mobilising healthcare professionals, decision-makers, patients and citizens to improve rural emergency care in the province of Quebec, Canada: a qualitative study protocol.

By France Légaré, 22/08/2017

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Conference Preventing Overdiagnosis 2017: Follow us!

The 5th Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference is held at the Centre des congrès de Québec from August 17th to August 19th 2017.

By France Légaré, 18/08/2017

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Alexandrine Boucher receives a CFN Fellowship

Alexandrine Boucher received a fellowship from the Canadian Frailty Network (CFN) for her Master's project in Public Health at Université Laval, “Burden of care among caregivers of the frail elderly facing the decision of location of care.”

By France Légaré, 16/08/2017

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Our team contributes to an article in “JAMA”

Our team recently contributed to an article in JAMA, entitled Patient Decision Aids to Engage Adults in Treatment or Screening Decisions.

By France Légaré, 15/08/2017

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Video of our team at the ISDM 2017 conference

Our team recently participated to the 9th International Shared Decision Making (ISDM) conference that took place in Lyon, France between July 2nd and July 5th, 2017.

By France Légaré, 11/08/2017

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Shigeko Seiko Izumi publishes an article on Serious Illness Conversation Training for Interprofessional Primary Care Teams

The article entitled Development and Evaluation of Serious Illness Conversation Training for Interprofessional Primary Care Teams was published in the Journal of Palliative Medicine. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate Serious Illness Conversation training for interprofessional primary care teams.

By Carole Thiébaut, 18/08/2013

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