Our mission Intensify the mobilisation of knowledge generated by research into the involvement of individuals and communities in health and social care decision-making. This will be achieved by diversifying and strengthening partnerships (e.g. patient associations, community groups, businesses, government organisations) and by using innovative knowledge mobilisation strategies that draw on a greater diversity of epistemological knowledge and contexts. This will help to scale up the impact of the knowledge generated by this research at national and international level and, ultimately, to revitalise our democratic society. Impact The research programme will enable more people to benefit from being involved in decisions about their health and well-being, creating a more people-centred health system, and ultimately sustainable cities and communities with a focus on justice and equity. Objectives • Intensify the mobilisation of knowledge from work on shared decision-making by diversifying and strengthening partnerships and by focusing on the international Francophonie. • Explore innovative strategies for mobilising knowledge by drawing on a greater diversity of epistemological and disciplinary knowledge • Amplify the mobilisation of knowledge from work on shared decision-making by promoting the potential for scaling up its impact at national and international level • Maximise capacity by targeting training in the research and practice of knowledge mobilisation, shared decision-making and scaling to a wider range of individuals and communities • Consolidate the relevance and acceptability of shared decision-making through action in policy environments and built frameworksTo foster shared decision making by promoting strategies that encourage patients and healthcare professionals to participate in decision making. Values • Professional integrity and ethics • Excellence and continued improvement • Innovation and creativity • Rigour and respect