
Canada Research Chair in Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation

Our team publishes the second update of its Cochrane review on implementation of shared decision making in clinical practices

Our team has just published a Cochrane systematic review entitled: Interventions for increasing the use of shared decision making by healthcare professionals. Shared decision making (SDM) is a process by which a healthcare choice is made by the patient, significant others, or both with one or more healthcare professionals. However, it has not yet been widely adopted in practice. This is the second update of this Cochrane review, which aimed to determine the effectiveness of interventions for increasing the use of SDM by healthcare professionals. We considered interventions targeting patients, interventions targeting healthcare professionals, and interventions targeting both. Data analysis revealed that the certainty of the evidence is low or very low, and therefore we cannot be certain yet which interventions for increasing the use of SDM by healthcare professionals are effective. Authors: France Légaré, Rhéda Adekpedjou, Dawn Stacey, Stéphane Turcotte, Jennifer Kryworuchko, Ian D. Graham, Anne Lyddiatt, Mary C. Politi, Richard Thomson, Glyn Elwyn, Norbert Donner-Banzhoff

By France Légaré, 23/07/2018