France Légaré contributes to an article led by Holly Witteman's team on shared decision making in radiation oncology clinics
France Légaré has contributed to an article in BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making entitled:
Talking about treatment benefits, harms, and what matters to patients in radiation oncology: an observational study. Led by
Holly Witteman's team, this study aimed to capture how shared decision-making practices–namely, communicating potential harms and benefits and discussing what matters to patients–occur in radiation oncology clinics. The results of this observational study suggest clinics may wish to use an interprofessional approach and initiate more discussions about what matters to patients to heed Jain’s (2014) reminder that, “a patient isn’t a disease with a body attached but a life into which a disease has intruded.”
By France Légaré, 24/07/2019