
Canada Research Chair in Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation

France Légaré contributes to a protocol on implementing advance care planning in primary care

This article, a Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Trial Comparing Team-Based to Clinician-Focused Implementation of Advance Care Planning in Primary Care, will be conducted by the Meta-network Learning and Research Center (Meta-LARC), a consortium of seven practice-based research networks (PBRNs) focused on integrating engagement with patients, families, and other stakeholders into primary care research and practice. The trial compares team-based to clinician-focused advance care planning using the Serious Illness Care Program in 42 practices recruited from the Meta-LARC PBRNs. They will report the results of comparing the two models and the implementation experience of the practices to create guidance for the spread of advance care planning in primary care.

By Titilayo Agbadje, 05/09/2019