Our Team Publishes an Article on a Taxonomy of Behaviour Change Techniques for Promoting Shared Decision Making
There is little information about the functions and behavior change techniques (BCTs) needed to implement shared decision making (SDM) in clinical practice. Authors conducted a secondary analysis of a 2018 Cochrane review on interventions for increasing the use of shared decision making by healthcare professionals. They examined all 87 studies included in the review. They identified 7 functions, 24 combinations of functions and 32 BCTs. Two functions (modeling and training), 8 combinations of functions (e.g., Education + Training + Modeling + Enablement), and 5 BCTs (e.g., Instruction on how to perform the behavior) were most associated with interventions showing positive effects. Two functions (Education and Enablement), 16 combinations of functions (e.g., Education + Enablement), and 25 BCTs (e.g., Information about health consequences) were most associated with interventions showing no effect. The functions Coercion and Restriction were not found. Four new BCTs were created. Based on the results of their study, they established a BCT taxonomy specific to the field of SDM to guide future SDM implementation interventions. Read more
By Titilayo Agbadje, 24/08/2020