Virginie Blanchette receives Diabetes Action Canada 2020 Network Training and Mentorship Program Award
Virginie Blanchette is a postdoctoral student in Clinical and Biomedical Sciences - Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation at Université Laval. As part of the training and mentorship program of the Diabetes Action Network Canada 2020, she has been awarded a postdoctoral fellowship valued at $50,000 per year for the two years of her postdoctoral project entitled: La prise de décision partagée pour des patient.e.s atteint.e.s de diabète et d’ulcère plantaire en région francophone rurale et semi-rurale au Canada : une évaluation des besoins décisionnels (Shared decision making for patients with diabetes and foot ulcer in rural and semi-rural francophone regions in Canada: an assessment of decision-making needs).
Dr. Blanchette is supervised by Dr. France Légaré (Université Laval Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family and Emergency Medicine) and co-supervised by Dr. Charles de Mestral (Department of Surgery, Vascular Surgery, University of Toronto) and Ms. Yvette Plourde (patient partner).
Congratulations to Virginie!
By Titilayo Agbadje, 23/09/2020