
Program Name: Effect of Communications Training on Medical Student Performance

Authors or developers

M.J. Yedidia
C.C. Gillespie
E. Kachur
M.D. Schwartz
J. Ockene
A.E. Chepaitis
C.W. Snyder
A. Lazare
M. Lipkin Jr.

Center for Health and Public Service Research
Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
School of Medicine
New York University

Country / Language USA / English
Creation or publication date 2003
Clinic context All
Target users 3rd year medical students
Pre or post licensure Pre-licensure
General objectives Developing competencies in:
- Assessment of patient’s problem and situation
- Patient education and counseling
- Negotiation and shared decision making
Format Demonstration of interviewing skills by clerkship directors and faculty
Experiential learning techniques (e.g. student interaction with standardized patients)
Individualized feedback
Student self-reflection on how their attitudes and values affected their performance