Authors or developers | Glyn Elwyn, Shama Alam, Arianna Blaine, Stuart Grande |
Country / Language | Australia/English |
Creation or publication date | 2015 |
Clinic context | Any clinical context |
Target users | Students / clinicians in training and experienced clinicians |
Pre or post licensure | Pre and post license |
General objectives | To introduce participants to SDM competences, including the range of theoretical models that advance our understanding of decision making, including Charles et al’s “two to tango” model, Makoul and Clayman’s integrative model of SDM, and Elwyn et al’s Collaborative Deliberation model. To explore tools and measures relevant to these models, including but not limited, to Option Grids, CollaboRATE, SDM Q-9, Observer OPTION 5, Rochester Participatory Decision-Making Scale, and Assessing Communication about Evidence and Patient Preferences. To use video examples of clinical encounters and role playing exercises, explore the interaction between encounter tools and measures. To demonstrate to participants that the models and measures will provide teaching templates that can be adapted to training SDM at multiple levels - i.e. from classroom to real world clinic settings. |
Format | 5-6 hours workshop |