Authors or developers | Courtney Broten |
Country / Language | Canada/English |
Creation or publication date | 2020 |
Clinic context | Maternity care (in a interprofessional dynamic) |
Target users | Any type of professional |
Pre or post licensure | Not specified |
General objectives | Facilitate partnerships with persons who seek to design and implement their own care plans Describe the respective roles of relevant health professions, and use this knowledge appropriately to achieve patient/client, family and community goals Demonstrate effective communication with other health professionals and patients/clients in a collaborative, respectful, responsive, and responsible manner Discuss the principles of teamwork dynamics and group processes that enable effective interprofessional collaboration Describe how the patient/client, family, and community are affected by inequitable access to options for care, including choice of birth place, and/or availability of providers and facilities Demonstrate positive, constructive techniques and skills to address disagreements or divergence in opinion among providers and patients as they arise during health care decision making Model best practices for communication and teamwork that support collaborating with patients/clients, families, and colleagues to make decisions, while accepting individual accountability for their own actions and professional responsibilities |
Format | Online course with 5 modules, with various didactic supports including videos, readings on theory and evidence related to the topics, interactive learning activities, online face-to-face activity with simulation, and links to key resources |