Practice-Based Research Network: Laboratory for the Implementation of Shared Decision Making in Primary Care

This laboratory provides regional infrastructure for the development, testing and evaluation of practical clinical strategies to implement shared decision making (SDM). It supports the development of a primary care practice-based research network of the 12 family practice teaching units (FPTU) of Université Laval. This laboratory was launched in 2006-2007 with funding from the Canada Foundation of Innovation (CFI) and has provided infrastructure for primary care research at the point of care. Dr Légaré was awarded two CFI awards: the first in 2006 helped launched the laboratory in 5 urban family teaching sites and the second in 2011 helped launch the laboratory in the remaining 7 semi-rural and rural sites.

More specifically, the laboratory offers:

1. A multifunctional venue for training activities and for data collection on the practices of health professionals;

2. A networking centre for multisite research projects;

3. A location for the storing, retrieving and analysis of large quantities of electronic video data; and

4. A dedicated research space with essential information, technology hardware and software, and the necessary office material and furniture.

The laboratory complements Université Laval's well-established teaching network of family practice teaching units. It will allow the network to develop into an effective clinically-based research network by providing:

1. A regional venue for studying the implementation of SDM in actual clinical settings;

2. A large and unique database of strategies to implement change in clinical practice;

3. In-house capacity for conducting primary care practice-based research and for supporting an original research program in implementation science and SDM;

4. A primary healthcare research network for graduate students in implementation science and SDM.

This laboratory is the country's first clinically-based regional laboratory dedicated to the study of the implementation of SDM in primary care.

This practice-based research network (PBRN) is part of a North American PBRN network called Meta-Larc (Meta-network Learning and Research Center) that includes seven PBRNs: 1. the Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network (ORPRN), 2. the Iowa Research Network (IRENE), 3. State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP), 4. OCHIN Safety Net West PBRN (SNW), 5. Quebec Practice-Based Research Network (QPBRN), 6. the Wisconsin Research and Education Network (WREN) and 7. the University of Toronto Practice-Based Research Network (UTOPIAN). Meta-Larc is financed by a P30 grant from the AHRQ.

    • GMF-U Quatre-Bourgeois
    • GMF-U Laurier
    • GMF-U de la Haute-Ville
    • GMF-U Maizerets
    • GMF-U Saint-François-d’Assise
    • GMF-U de Lévis
    • GMF-U de Trois-Pistoles
    • GMF-U de Rimouski
    • GMF-U de Gaspé
    • GMF-U de Manicouagan
    • GMF-U des Etchemins
    • GMF-U Saint-Charles-Borromée
    • Membre associé : Clinique communautaire de santé et d’enseignement SPOT

Services offered

Procedures and deadlines

For any request to RRAPPL-UL, a triage form (available in the documents section below) must be duly completed. It is important to fill in each section of the form in detail in for us to be able to help you. Please contact us as early as possible when developing your protocol to ensure good reception of your project in clinical settings. To evaluate a request (feasibility, planning) for a project in our network we must receive the project protocol, the consent forms (if applicable) and any ethical approvals obtained or in the process of being obtained. The form and the various application documents must be sent to the RRAPPL-UL coordinator (see below):

The request will then be evaluated by the RRAPPL-UL committee and the coordinator will contact you to determine the subsequent procedures.

The following deadlines are required for the processing of requests:

For any questions about the network, please contact the chief coordinator of RRAPPL-UL, M. Alfred-Kodjo TOI, at the following address: