418-525-4444 ext. 53169
Marie-Pierre Gagnon obtained her PhD in Community Health from Université Laval in 2003. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Catalan Agency for Health Technology Assessment in 2004-2005, followed by another postdoctoral fellowship at the Health Telematics Unit, University of Calgary, in 2005-2006. She is currently an associate professor at the Faculty of Nursing at Université Laval. In 2012, she was awarded the Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Technologies and Practices in Health. Her research program focuses on the use of scientific evidence in the implementation of innovative technologies, particularly Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in healthcare. Her other research interests include health technology assessment (HTA) and its impact on decision making, the study of individual, professional and organizational determinants of ICT integration in the healthcare system, patient participation in healthcare decisions, and best practices in knowledge translation and application.
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