Authors or developers | Kamaljitt Virhia Glasgow Caledonian University Cowcaddens Road Glasgow G4 0BA Scotland, UK |
Country / Language | United Kingdom/English |
Creation or publication date | NA |
Clinic context | NA |
Target users | Practitioners |
Pre or post licensure | NA |
General objectives | Analyse the pathophysiological conditions in the practitioner's area of care in order to recognise significant changes in a patient's condition; Evaluate the diagnostic and invasive monitoring adjuncts employed in the care of the Deteriorating Adult Patient; Critically appraise legislation, sources of information, advice and decision support to demonstrate evidence based management for the deteriorating adult patient; Critically appraise the wider issues of acute care nursing which demonstrates professional accountability and its relationship to clinical practice; Demonstrate a person centred approach to shared decision making in the context of the patient at risk of deterioration; Formulate a learning log to evidence clinical and educational activity. |
Format | 216 hours of Divers learning methods: lectures, seminars, group work, guided reading, online learning and Tutorials |